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Training courses for organisations

Stress Management​


Helping individuals to fulfil their potential is key to the development of a motivated and productive workforce. Stress and its effects can be a destructive force, but if recognised and channelled in the right way, can become a powerful and creative energetic source. Drawing on ancient techniques from yoga and meditative practice, alongside principles from CBT, we deliver accessible and practically useful ways for individuals to become aware of and manage their own triggers and responses to stress and anxiety in a workplace environment.


  • —Enhance performance

  • —Reduce absence

  • —Maximise productivity

  • —Develop a happy, motivated workforce

  • —Empower individuals

  • —Cultivate a courageous and creative culture within pressured environments




Team Building & Development


We support and create opportunities for teams to create engagement through group motivation. We work closely with the manager and incorporate team feedback during the design and planning process to ensure that we deliver a memorable, made-to-measure event that will allow your team to:


  • —understand company vision, team mission and personal differences

  • build team momentum

  • —build team spirit

  • —have fun and get to know each other better

  • show courage

  • —be creative

  • —solve problems

  • —resolve conflict




Developing Charisma & Confidence


Okay, so lack Charisma won’t exactly kill you but it can be fatal in terms of business. Charismatic sales people are more successful with their targets, teams with charismatic leadership perform better and charismatic workers help motivate and encourage others. Charismatic people are confident people and confidence is a positive quality to foster in any productive and successful business. Our Charisma and Confidence training has been designed around a practical workshop which will help your team to:



  • Develop their confidence

  • Understand the effect they can have on other people

  • Learn how to inspire, motivate and influence others

  • Become empowered

  • Encourage creative, positive and pioneering thinking

  • Promote strength of character

  • Solve problems

  • Be more effective with communication



1 to 1 Communication: The Interview, Appraisal and Pitch


As we know, it’s not always the smartest person or the one with the most relevant skills that gets the job. Rather, the successful candidate is often the one who has the best “people skills”, who can relate easily to others


This course uses a well-known theatrical technique, Forum theatre. A team of actors are used to facilitate the learning experience. Star Performance provide a practical experiences in the pursuit for excellence when you pitch. The approach is fun and interactive in its delivery to building the clients confidence for the big day.


  • —Relieves nerves

  • —Enjoy observing live examples of interviews

  • —Make an excellent first impression

  • —Communicate with poise and clarity

  • —Prepare for the typical questions

  • —Prepare for the tricky questions




Public Speaking, Voice Coaching & Presenting


The voice expresses deeply giving clues to whom you are; your character, values, attitudes and current state of mind. We understand that your voice means business, it is an important tool which you use to inform, facilitate, inspire, persuade, encourage, direct and entertain. Star Performance employ tricks of the trade from the entertainment industry  to improve vocal presentation skills


  • —Help enhance your performance

  • —Help you successfully develop your voice

  • —Help you use your voice more effectively and influentially

  • —Help to allay nerves

  • —Strategies' to engage your audience

  • —Help you use your voice freely and authentically with interest and variety



Stress Management Course
Team Building Course
Charisma Course
Appraisal Course
Public Speaking Course

Contact Us

© 2020 Star Performance (Brighton) Limited

Registered in England & Wales (08272366), Dalton House,
60 Windsor Avenue, London, SW19 2RR

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